Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blog days of summer

Yes, I know, I've been a bad blogger lately. I have tons of photos of yummy vegetable meals. But have I posted any of them? No. Instead, like everyone else, I've been caught up in the whirlwind that is summer.

However, I do have one other excuse for my lackluster posting skills: I've started another blog. It's called Portland in a snap and it lives on On it I'm chronicling things spotted around town, from new restaurants to pieces of public art to fun offerings at local shops. You won't find recipes there, but you will find a photo of a margarita mixing bike. Now, if I can just figure out how to get one of those in my kitchen, life will be perfect.


  1. That's great to hear about your new blog and new gig! Congrats.

  2. Wow! A margarita mixing bike. I soooo need one of those. That is genius.

  3. Like you, I am waaay behind in blogging all my summer photos. But it's more important to MAKE memories than blog about 'em :o).

  4. Very exciting--glad that has you on board!

  5. Hi Avery,
    Check out you new site. Looks great.
